Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Super-resolution algorithm running on PSP through Nanodesktop 0.3.8

Pegasus2000, the dev behind the Nanodesktop SDK, has some good news for Sony PSP owners. According to his post on the QJ.NET PSP Development forum, they've managed to run a super-resolution algorithm using the latest Nanodesktop.

Super-resolution techniques enhance the resolution of an imaging system, meaning you get to see more detail in a given image. Or at least that's how I understand it. So there's no confusion, read pegasus2000's post below. You can also check out a video showing the algorithm in action. Pegasus2000 recommends watching the vid in HQ mode.

Super-resolution (SR) are techniques that in some way enhance the resolution of an imaging system.

Michael Smith at Carlenton University has created a C implementation of the superresolution algorithm (his program executes demosaicing too).

Visilab Reseach Center has been able to run the Smith's algorithm on a embedded processor (Sony PSP), thank to the features of Nanodesktop 0.3.8.

As you can see, a detail of an image (size 135x111 pixels) has been enlarged in the output image (2x superresolution factor).

But, in the 270x222 pixel image, there are MORE details (see the faces of the children: in the input images, you see the pixel effect; in output image you cannot).