Saturday, December 13, 2008

PSP homebrew - MyRandomGameboot

PSP homebrew - Image 1Homebrew dev Total_Noob has released a new plugin on the QJ.NET PSP Development forum called MyRandomGameboot.

This plugin lets you set up to ten different gameboots that play at random when you boot up a game or homebrew app. Since there's no readme file included in the download, here are the installation instructions:

  1. Copy "MyRandomGameboot.prx " to seplugins
  2. Write in vsh.txt "ms0:/seplugins/MyRandomGameboot.prx 1"
  3. Copy 10 (or less gameboots to ms0:/PSP/THEME/gamebootX.pmf (X = 1-10)

Download: MyRandomGameboot
Visit: QJ.NET PSP Development forum

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