Saturday, August 8, 2009

UK High Street retailers say PSP Go is exciting, but download-only model and pricing are still causes for concern

PSP Go - Image 1

UK High Street retailers have said that while the PSP Go -- and the PSP series in general -- has a lot of exciting things coming for it, Sony's decision to opt for the decidedly non-retail friendly model of download-only games is a definite cause for concern. That, and the reportedly high price point.

There are a number of exciting things coming to fruition on the format and it feels like Sony are almost re-launching it," said's Keith Sharpe. "Potentially the next two years could be very good for PSP, especially with titles like GT5 (ed: he most likely means Gran Turismo) and LittleBigPlanet on the way.

HMV's commercial manager for games, Jonathan Hayes, however, points out that despite the PSP Go's great promise, there's still the matter of how Sony will address the retail problem.

From E3 we all thought that the PSPgo looked like a great new console at a size that makes it truly portable, he said. Our concerns are obviously with the non-retail model of downloading games."

However even if Sony do give retail a solution there are still questions to be answered on the RRP which needs to be below UK 200, Hayes added.

CHIPS' Don McCabe added that so far, customer reaction to the PSP Go has been negative. "I can t see anybody going for it if Sony confirm a high price tag. If we get customers through the door we will sell it, but that remains to be seen.

Sony, on the other hand, assured retailers that they're still a key part of the company's plans and that they'll still be supported "in terms of the PSP-3000":

In terms of the 3000, we re undertaking an unprecedented amount of activity throughout the summer and Christmas periods, highlighting the new range of colours, and for the first time in a long while, a range of first and third party software titles that really showcase the power and full potential of the PSP hardware.

I d argue that this commitment, from a marketing, sales and PR perspective, demonstrates our long term investment in the platform, and we see retail as a key part of these plans.

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