Thursday, November 27, 2008

FBA4PSP v12 - Wi-Fi game connection added

FinalBurnAlpha - Image 1

Lbicelyne's FinalBurn Alpha emulator for PSP has finally gone out of the beta states and is now at version 12. The only new thing in this release in the addition of Wi-Fi game connection for some two-player emulation action.

Here's how to set things up and use the Wi-Fi game connection feature:
  • Switch on wifi, All PSPs choose p2p in Wifi Game menu. You should also change your controller as well. P2P mode could work and all psps have display.
  • Every PSP choose the same game. If you are using p2p mode, please use sync game menu once or several times on the 2nd PSP. You can press left/right to select sync game menu on reset game menu.

Download: FBA lbicelyne 1127 V12

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