Let's have more of those crisp PSP screenshots from Tenchu 4 (Wii, PSP) by From Software, shall we? And by crisp we mean bone-breaking, crotch-slammin', oh-so-painful moves that you surely wouldn't want to be done unto you.
We've got a whole slew of them right here - 25 in all - showing a range of combat moves and weapons engaged such as poison, smoke bombs, and underwater-breathing tools. Also, if you look closely enough, you'll see that the bottom of the PSP screen shows pop up commands for those combos.
Have a look-see right here:
Tenchu 4 is slated to come to Japan on February 12, 2009, while other regions will just have to seethe with envy for now while waiting for word on launch outside the land of the rising sun.
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