Here's a little treat for our Manga readers, homebrew coder ChaoticX has released OneMangaPSP, a client to read manga from directly to your PSP.
The dev plans to add more features in the future release that includes background image loading, music, chapter navigation and bookmarks. Here are the controls for OneMangaPSP:
- CIRCLE - Return to chapter select.
- CROSS - Toggle image scaling.
- LEFT TRIGGER - Previous image.
- RIGHT TRIGGER - Next image.
- DOWN - Scroll down.
- UP - Scroll up.
- LEFT - Scroll left. [Only when scaling off]
- RIGHT - Scroll right. [Only when scaling off]
- DOWN SQUARE - Fast scroll down.
- UP SQUARE - Fast scroll up.
- LEFT SQUARE - Fast scroll left. [Only when scaling off]
- RIGHT SQUARE - Fast scroll right. [Only when scaling off]
OneManga PSP Client v0.1 BETA
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