Friday, September 19, 2008

PSP-3000 Dissidia bundle: pre-orders start soon

Dissidia Bundle - Image 1

Japan gets lucky again, this time in the form of the PSP-3000 Dissidia Limited Edition units. The new bundle was announced just a few weeks ago, scheduled to be released on December 18 alongside the game's official street date.

Turns out that pre-orders are just about to start. According to Final Fantasy Union, the Square Enix Japan store will be having a limited time frame for when people can pre-order the bundle: the pre-order period only lasts from September 22 - 28.

That being said, even if you decide to pre-order a unit (Square Enix membership required, by the way), you'll still have to hang on to dear luck. Apparently, it's going to be a lottery system, says the FFU website.

Who knows how many PSP-3000 Dissidia units Square Enix has prepared? Who knows how huge the demand will be, given that short time frame? For what it's worth, last time they released 77,777 units (magic number!) of that PSP-Slim Crisis Core bundle.

While we've already seen the Gundam bundle, I just wish they'd show us what the Dissidia PSP looks like, already. That and then there's the Patapon 2 bundle too... Oh well. Let's just hope that, this time around, Testuya Nomura gets to reserve a bundle, the poor guy.

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