Sunday, August 30, 2009

QuickJump QuickPeek 87: Face-off now on: you got those price cuts you wanted, now get those numbers up

QuickJump QuickPeek - Image 1 

Exciting past couple of weeks, eh? The price cuts mad rush continued on this week with Microsoft joining in on the bandwagon. Meanwhile, Nintendo's sitting prettily and quietly, choosing the status quo, because, hey, they're on top in the status quo. Wouldn't want to change a thing about that now, would you?

It's also one event after the another, from E3 to GamesCom to upcoming PAX and TGS... if this does not revive interest in the industry, I don't know what will. This latter half of the calendar year is just bursting at the seams, and we've got a portion of all that action here in this nice little bundle for you stamped as QuickJump QuickPeek 87.

Read on.

PSP Weekend Warrior - Image 1Again, another good week for the QJ PSP blog. Quite a few big game news from the East to the West, including big guns Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep and Rockstar's Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars. It wasn't all fun and games, though, as we also saw a cautionary tale for those who don't listen to their mothers and get into cars with strangers. PSA time, folks! Here's this week's edition of the PSP Weekend Warrior.

Link: PSP Weekend Warrior

Quite a few theories sprung up during the latter half of the week when it was announced that Dark AleX's forums were shutting down. Did it mean that the homebrew legend was leaving the scene? Did Sony shell out the cash to shut him up? Are we going to see a new version of the retire-and-reemerge trick? Yeah, theories. While we wait for word from the "Dark" one himself, let's take a look at the week in homebrew.

Link: PSP Homebrew Weekend Warrior

PS3 Weekend Warrior - Image 1Fallout from GamesCom's big PS3 announcements continued to rain down on the PS3 blog this week. The PS3 Slim was still high in the jump counts, thanks to Sony putting its whole weight behind getting the word out to the masses with rebranding, ad campaigns, the works. It seems to be working too, as the Slim has reportedly sold out in some retailers even before the console's official launch. Yep, I bet Sony guys are flying pretty damn high right now. All that and more in the PS3 Weekend Warrior.

Link: PS3 Weekend Warrior

Xbox 360 Weekend Warrior - Image 1The biggest thing that you missed this week on the Xbox 360 blog is the back and forth dance towards the Xbox 360 Elite price cut. The good thing is that all's well that ends well. We did get the official announcement of the Elite price cut, but unfortunately, we did have to say goodbye to the Pro model. Oh well. We can't have everything, I guess. Read on for more news and updates on your much-awaited games.

Link: Xbox 360 Weekend Warrior

WiiDS Weekend Warrior - Image 1With Sony and Microsoft now busy making their marketing push for the holidays, you gotta wonder what Nintendo is planning to do about it, especially considering that we haven't heard from any of the Nintendo execs for a while now. Are they gonna slim the Wii down too and call it the Wee Wii? Good grief I sure hope not. For the news that did come out over the week, you can catch it all on this edition of the Nintendo Weekend Warrior.

Link: WiiDS Weekend Warrior

iPhone Weekend Warrior - Image 1This week's news revolves around things to come for the iPhone, and the iPod Touch. Also coming soon is a new iPod, so you should definitely check this one out. Read on for the complete run-down.

Link: iPhone Weekend Warrior

Industry News:

GamesCom was definitely a success. Don't believe us? Just check out that number of visitors throughout the week-long event. If you missed out on GamesCom, then worry not cos there's another chance you might want to grab, and it's TGS 2009 (PAX 2009 would be more practical given that it's just in Washington, though). It's happening in ... erm.. Tokyo this year, and Capcom, for one, has already confirmed their attendance, promising to bring "several" new titles with them.

Link: GamesCom 2009 a success, welcomed 245,000
Link: Capcom prepping "several" new titles for TGS

For our WTF segment this week, we've got Ozzy Osbourne elucidating on his favorite video games. Now if only he could finish his damned sentence, we'd know what it is.

Even more WTF than bat-eating Ozzy's adorable mumbling is the story of this idiot guy, who tried to leech off the free Wi-Fi in the library so he could play some Xbox 360. He did. And got kicked out in the process as well. His picture now rests on the library's Hall of Shame.

Link: Ozzy was hooked on a video game, guess what it is
Link: Fail! Man plays Xbox 360 at a library... gets kicked out

QJ Front Page:

Part 2 of our Dissidia: Final Fantasy special is here!

Link: QJ Special: A spoilerific Dissidia: Final Fantasy character roundup, Part 2

That's it for this week. Keep 'em all jumpin! We'll see you next week for more hot news and updates, only here at QJ!