Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Sony: No multiplayer in LittleBigPlanet PSP

I've got some bad news for you folks. Unfortunately, LittleBigPlanet PSP will not support multiplayer. This was confirmed by Sony Cambridge during this week's Gamescom. More after the jump.

According to Mark Green, Senior Producer at SCEE Cambridge, they had to cut multiplayer out of LittleBigPlanet PSP in order to get it to work on the handheld:

The one thing we've lost is multiplayer. You've got full physics systems, you got full create mode, you've got all the aspects of LittleBigPlanet - you can upload, download, ad-hoc share with people - but we haven't got multiplayer. It's a trade-off. The system is physically capable of doing multiplayer, but perhaps not with the full physics system. On the technical side of things you lose a third of the processing power or a third of the system memory just to do multiplayer at all. With those limitations we couldn't achieve it.

This is a little bit disappointing if you asked me since multiplayer is a big part of the PS3 version. What do you think guys? Well, for the mean time, take a look at this new create mode trailer of the game.