Friday, August 22, 2008

Kurok v0.4 out now; hope for online servers

Kurok v0.4 - Image 1MDave's dropped by the forums earlier and he's brought along with him v0.4 of his homebrew game Kurok. It's packing a lot of new stuff, and he says that hopefully we'll see online servers now too. Cool, huh?

Anyway, all the information you know should be in the readme file, such as installation instructions and the changelog. So you better make sure you check that out. Although, MDave do recognize that there are folks out there too lazy to exert that extra click on their computers and so he's provided a short list of the changes as well:

  • Skyboxes added to the engine!
  • Coloured lighting and effects!
  • Completed the first chapter!
  • New boss!
  • New multiplayer maps!
  • Fully customizable deathmatch options!
  • And more!
As usual, do let him know if there are any bugs bugging you in the brew, and do post servers that you make here so that others may join. Enjoy!

Download: Kurok v0.4
Discuss: QJ.NET's PSP Development Forums

Previous Kurok versions: