Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Rumor: PSN Cards not coming to Gamestop until 2009

GameStop memo on PSN Cards - Image 1

Tipster StormShatter wrote to us here at QJ tipping us about the PSN cards not coming to GameStop until 2009. He says he's a GameStop employee, and even sent us a picture of the memo (click on the image above to enlarge, and take note of the clause enclosed in a red box) that was circulated in their office regarding this bit.

According to the email they received yesterday, GameStop will not be carrying PlayStation Network cards until next year because of a register software upgrade. Says StormShatter (verbatim):

.... one reason that nobody probably would've expected for that. Not sure how register software will have to do with selling these things, unless they're activated in-store, as opposed to MS Points cards, where there is no activation involved. Hopefully other major retailers won't follow GameStop's example this holiday season.

Well that kinda sucks. I mean, a lot of people in North America have been waiting for the arrival of the PSN cards ever since. We'll be following up on this bit of news, so keep your eyes peeled out for more updates.

Thanks, StormShatter!

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