Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Pandora Installer for 3.xx kernels 4a: added support for Despertar del Cementerio v6

PSP Homebrew - Image 1Homebrew developer Hellcat has released a quick update for the Pandora Installer for 3.xx kernels. This update isn't major, but it does build on the features introduced in the previous release.

With Revision 4a, you can now create a MagicStick using Despertar del Cementerio version 6, which installs 4.01 M33-2 on your PSP. Support for Dark AleX's Despertar del Cementerio universal unbricker was added in Revision 4.

Remember to read the readme file included in the bundle before you run this homebrew app. For a rundown of the key features of Hellcat's Pandora Installer for 3.xx kernels, check out the related articles below.

Download: Pandora Installer for 3.xx kernels Revision 4a
Visit: QJ.NET PSP Development forum

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