Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Merger complete: Infogrames acquires Atari for US 11 million

Infogrames - Image 1It may have taken some patience but it's finally done. According to a press release, Infogrames has acquired Atari for US 11 million. If you could remember, Infogrames offered a buy-out proposal as early as March in light of Atari's financial struggles.

Prior to making the deal, Atari hired a new CEO and sought a deadline extension on the Infogrames offer to explore all possible options. With Atari's agreement, Infogrames will acquire all the remaining outstanding equity interests of Atari (computed at US 11 million). In return, Atari will now become a wholly-owned subsidiary of Infogrames.

Here are specifics of the agreement:

  • brings to a close a period of financial underperformance for Atari;
  • strengthens Atari under Infogrames' new management team;
  • delivers a platform for future growth in the US; and
  • offers Atari shareholders an all cash exit.
How will this turn out for the classic gaming brand that is Atari? We are about to find out. Meanwhile, keep posted here at QJ.NET for the latest gaming developments.

Mind Breaker v1.0 - Mastermind on PSP

Mind Breaker v1.0 - Image 1Homebrew developer cyril92 just released a homebrew game for puzzle game lovers who own a Sony PlayStation Portable. Mind Breaker version 1.0 is a faithful video game incarnation of Mastermind, the board game that puts players' mathematical skills and luck to the test.

Being from a French developer, here's what we can get from the rough translation of Mind Breaker v1.0's version history:

  • Combination of 4 colors among 6 possible
  • 3 levels of difficulties
  • Some sound actions
Basically, Mind Breaker v1.0 is just like the classic Mastermind. The game first determines a combination of four colored balls, then you can take up to 12 turns trying to guess the correct pattern.

It's often considered a guessing game since you have to take wild shots, but more experienced players actually employ math to find the answer in Mastermind. We're sure the same can be said about cyril92's Mind Breaker. Do note that you hold your PSP vertical for the game.

Download: Mind Breaker v1.0

Canada gets adjusted PlayStation Store prices on May 1

PlayStation Store - Image 1Good news if you're from Canada! Now that the Canadian dollar is slowly gaining steam against the weakening U.S. currency, Sony Computer Entertainment of America (SCEA) has announced that Canada will receive price changes for its downloadable content this May 1.

As early as mid-April, SCEA Senior Vice President Peter Dille said over at the PlayStation Blog that they are already "looking to correct this discrepancy." Action has been taken indeed and here is the official confirmation from PlayStation Store Senior Manager Grace Chen:

I am excited to let all of our Canadian gamers know that we will be adjusting prices for downloadable content available through the PLAYSTATION Store for the Canadian market as a result of the strengthening Canadian currency vs. the US dollar. We ll be executing the adjustments in a phased approach prior to the regular PLAYSTATION Store update on Thursday. On May 1, prices on all downloadable content should be updated.

Now, Canadians are in a better position to enjoy the perks of the new PlayStation Store, which recently had a revamp this April. Stay tuned here at QJ.NET for more of the latest news.

Music prx plugin for CFW 3.90 M33

Sony PSP - Image 1

After doing work on the Custom Firmware Extender application, homebrew developer Cpasjuste is now catering to all music-loving PlayStation Portable gamers. If your Sony PSP is currently running on the 3.90 M33 custom firmware, you can now play music while playing a game thanks to coder Cpasjuste's port of the Music prx plugin.

Previously for the 3.71 M33 firmware, the Music prx plug-in lets you play atrac3 and mp3 music files while you are accessing the VSH menu, playing a UMD game, or running homebrews (except if the homebrew uses ME).

Coder Cpasjuste wants us to take note that this Music prx plugin port "has been tested on a 3.90 M33-3 PSP Slim - without the fatmsmod patch applied." So keep that in mind while using this homebrew plugin. For step-by-step instructions on how to install the Music prx plugin, refer to the readme which is included inside the homebrew file. Safety first!

Download: Music_prx plugin for 3.90 M33 CFW
Visit: QJ.Net PSP Development Forums

R-Type Command pre-order swag revealed

Plan on getting R-Type Command for the Playstation Portable? Then you might want to pre-order it because those who do will be getting an awesome looking R-9, the definitive ship in the R-Type universe, made by IREM.

For those who aren't too familiar with this game from Atlus, it is a turn-based tactical game which has players going up against the Bydo Empire. Interestingly enough, the game somehow retains its side-scroller feel as seen in the gameplay videos we posted before.

The free figurine is available at GameStop,, GameCrazy, EB Games Canada, and other select retailers. Here's a look at what you'll be getting as a gift from Atlus.

R-Type Command pre-order bonus - Image 1 R-Type Command pre-order bonus - Image 2 R-Type Command pre-order bonus - Image 3

ELSPA supports PEGI as sole classification system for games in Europe

Logo of Entertainment and Leisure Software Publishers Association - Image 1

The subject of video game violence and the proper classification of such games has always been a rather hot topic in Europe. There's even been contention which video game rating system would be best suited for the region.

It even came to the point that psychologist Dr. Tanya Byron released an extensive report regarding the current standards for rating violent video games. While groups such as the BBFC, ELSPA, ISFE, and Tiga all had positive remarks regarding the report, there were no solid conclusions which system would stand out as the basic standard for the industry to follow.

However, a recent press release made by ELSPA gave evidence to the Department for Culture, Media, and Sports (DCMS) Select Committee that the PEGI Age Ratings System should be adopted as the sole classification system for video games in Europe.

ELSPA Director General Paul Jackson was delighted to have the DCMS Select Committee recognize PEGI's efforts in providing an appropriate rating system for video games. He was also quoted having said this:

[...] It is important that during this period of consultation post-Byron we work with everyone to ensure the revised ratings platform is robust and future proof. As games move increasingly on line, we call on all parties to embrace the PEGI Age Ratings system. As an instrument of the Video Recordings Act it would have teeth and deliver the right system to help the public make informed choices about the games they play.

Time Baby v14c - added GPS sensitive world time feature

Screenshot of Time Baby PSP homebrew app - Image 1With just a little over a week since the last update of Time Baby, developer Art once again impresses everyone with another speedy upgrade to this multi-functional clock application for the Sony PlayStation Portable.

There was only one major addition featured in this build of Time Baby. Version 14c now allows your PSP to determine the local time anywhere in the world by using the GPS data gathered from a world time zone map.

Art called the newest addition more of a "programming exercise" rather than a practical feature. We most certainly have to agree with him when he said that it would definitely come in handy for the survivors of Oceanic flight 815.

Unfortunately, the program itself still isn't available for download as of this article's writing. However, Art was able to give a sneak peek of Time Baby v14c through a video of it in action. While we're still waiting for the actual download, why don't you check out the neat new feature found in the latest version of Time Baby found below.