In an interview with Games Industry, Relentless Software's co-founder David Amor shared some of his thoughts regarding the state of video games.
He said that during at this time, video games won't be able to crossover from gaming consoles to a broader entertainment device. Amor said that, as of the moment, the video games are still "miles away" from reaching the mass market.
But as time passes by, Amor believes that with every generation that comes along, the stigma on video games will become decreasingly apparent. Amor added that some games that have been able to help reshape the way people view video games.
Even if this happens to be the case, video games still have a long road ahead before they can reach the mass market. Amor said:
So the stigma's gone away, people are realizing that it can appeal to a wider set of people, moms and dads are playing Brain Training, Buzz!, SingStar, so it's certainly going in the right direction, but we're a long way off real mass market.
If you only appeal to a certain section of people, you can't get the hardware sales beyond a certain point.
If you guys want to know about that David Amor had to say in the interview, you can read the full log by visiting the source link below. Don't forget to check up on our site for more news.