(Editor's Note: Lots of interstellar updates this week! Massive news on some of the biggest games this year. And so that you guys could easily hitchhike your way around this week's news, we're helping you out with another QuickJump QuickPeek! And yes... is Zanarkand really out there? And what's this talk about elephants? We'll leave that up to you to find out.)
The answer to the question of life, the universe, and everything is 42. Or so Deep Thought says. If we had our way though, the answer to that very same question would be this issue right here: QuickJump QuickPeek 42!
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy geekgasms aside, we most definitely can't even hope to answer the very question that's rooted deep in a gamer's heart. But armed with a Babel Fish (not to mention a couple of surveys here and there), we just might be able to.
QuickJump QuickPeek 42 is ready to give you guys the low-down of all the whoozits and whatsits galore that've been ticking down the calendar clock during the past seven days. Call this the hitchhiker's guide to the gaming galaxy. Well, a guide on a week's worth of history of gaming news, at least.
PSP: Input query.
New firmware out this week! It's PSP FW 3.95 and with it comes customizablity options to personally configure your PSP to handle PSOne controls. Also, FW 3.95 expands the interconnectivity between your handheld and your PS3.
Some of you may think it's one of them "aww, another pointless update; nothing to see here, folks; keep moving..." but look at it this way: we're just 0.05 versions closer to the a FW 4.00. What'll it bring? You'd have to stick around, of course. There's already been quite a lot of talk of PS3 firmware updates scheduled for summer so... If you put two and two together...
Thanks to Darkschneider for the news tip!
Link: PSP Firmware 3.95 now out UPDATED
Other official word from Sony this week is that they won't be shutting down the online servers for PSP and PS2 games. Well, for America, at least. See, last week, Sony Europe announced that they would be shutting down the servers, but as it turns out - at least, for now - it'll only be applicable in Europe.
Sony Computer Entertainment America reassure gamers in North America that the same decision won't be happening any time soon for the region. Though as a spokesperson says, "eventually servers for older titles may be shut down due to lack of participation in those titles as more and more gamers are switching to PS3 and newer content."
Link: SCEA won't get rid of PSP, PS2 online gaming servers
And just like that, Capcom's success with Monster Hunter Portable 2nd G continues. Here's to hoping that the sweeping sales figures in Japan are proof enough for them to bring the title/expansion over to other regions.
So how "sweeping" are the sales figures now, exactly? Last week, it's already clocked a million. This time around, they broke through the 1.5-mil mark. Holy mother of pearl, that's a lot. And to give an extra push? Another round of DLC for the hungry Japanese monster hunters. Not one, not two, but four new quests were made available for MHP 2G this week.
Link: Capcom: Monster Hunter Portable 2nd G exceeds 1.5 million sales in Japan
Link: New quests for Monster Hunter Portable 2nd G: jungles, boars, dragons
Now, now, while this little space is reserved for news updates, a little big rumor every now and then is also quite healthy. Besides, we're sure some of you guys have been thinking it'd be possible too. See, word on the street is that LittleBigPlanet for the PS3 might appear on the PSP too.
Realistic chances of this is a 50-50, and maybe that's if you're optimistic. Most probable chance of getting to "see" it on the PSP is via Remote Play; maybe kinda like how PlayStation Home will be using the PSP. It's anyone's guess though.
Link: Rumor: LittleBigPlanet in development for the PSP as well
Reaching out to the homebrew and hacking community is Sony. This via a survey. Looks like their research and development department's conducting studies on what a PSP hacker feels about the handheld he or she (yes, she) is hacking. The questions are rather interesting and you just might want to answer them yourself, at least, silently or what not.
Link: Survey for Dark AleX, et al: Sony asks PSP hackers about their motivation
Now for some 'brew! Did you miss a couple of them this week? There were quite a lot of updates - PSPKVM, PSP-Maps, and FreeRadio, just to name a couple - but in case you're wanting to diversify, here are other interesting and useful homebrew projects as well.
We've got an SDK to help you make applications on the PC for the PSP, a memstick cleaner (so to speak), and ooh... even an application that lets you control a toy helicopter. Sweet.
Link: M33xEver v3: customize System Info page, change XMB wave speed
Link: FileAssistant 3.xx Kernel: now running on PSP Slim
Link: UPMSInstaller v4
Link: PSP Toolchain for Win32 (MinPSPW) v0.7.1: a PSP SDK for Windows
Link: picoozIR v4: new flying engine for your PSP-controlled infrared helicopter
And that's it for this week, fellow gamers! Catch you guys in issue 43! Meanwhile, keep hoping; keep them fingers crossed. Whether it's for a LittleBigPlanet for the PSP, an English version for Monster Hunter Portable 2nd G, or Sony's eventual(?) embracing of the homebrew community.
- QJ.NET's PSPUpdates team
PlayStation 3: Under construction
In all honesty, has there ever been any week when the PS3 scene's gone all quiet? Nope? Well, it's another one of them busy weeks, you can be sure about that.
Just as the PSPUpdates team mentioned, there's been a lot of talk about the future firmware updates scheduled for the coming months. From the planned video and music downloading service we've heard about before, and of course, the BD-Live update.
Engineers at Sony have also revealed some development notes. Mentioned here are some details on in-game XMB access, image rendering improvements, sound improvements, and the usual bug fixes. We also get some insight on what FW 2.30 has in store, and news (more on this in the next two paragraphs) about Japan rolling it out next week.
Credit goes out to mupet0000 for the news tip on FW 2.30.
Link: Scott Steinberg reveals a few upcoming PS3 features
Link: Sony engineers: more plans for BD-Live, PS3 firmware updates
Link: PS3 Firmware 2.30 gets Blu-Ray Hi-Def audio features, interface
Another thing that's been in the minds of many a PlayStation user is the upcoming PS Store redesign. You've seen the pics. And maybe even that video walkthrough included in the third item on the hyperlink list just above.
Better ready up yourself because you might find a bit of a surprise in the coming days when you log onto the Store and find it revamped. It's looking wicked and sleek and everything in between. And for Japan and Europe, they've already got implementation scheduled for next week. Plus of course, Japan's rolling out of PS3 FW 2.30.
Link: Japanese PlayStation Store revamp and firmware 2.30 scheduled for next week
Link: Enhanced PlayStation store launches on April 15 in Europe
We've got more Metal Gear Solid 4 updates to help tide over the last stretch of waiting. Feast your eyes on this baby: pack shots. Since you're probably getting the game once it comes out, it wouldn't hurt knowing what the box art would look like sitting up there on retail shelves (yeah, as if some of you guys would need the extra help singling out the MGS box).
The final pack shot for MGS 4 was revealed this week, and it's got Solid Snake written all over it. Well, not so much as written, but... well, his oldified face is pretty much plastered on it. Details about the Limited Edition and hardware bundle also surfaced.
Link: Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots PS3 box art sighted
Link: Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots: final boxarts, hardware bundles, others
Link: LE Metal Gear Solid 4 to be available exclusively at Gamestop
If that's not enough to get your foxes, err, hounding... We've got some more info (and yes, a pack shot to boot) on MGS 4 and Metal Gear Online. Rest assured, you're getting quite a memorable ending in MGS 4, and that bit about Snake's quirky geriatrics process.
A shout out to Sony PSP for sending in the tip about the MGO box art!
Link: More Metal Gear Solid 4 details: of explosive endings, transcending video games
Link: Metal Gear Online beta packshots
Link: Konami confirms Metal Gear Online beta for Europe
As with the "LittleBigPlanet on PSP" rumor, a PlayStation Home rumor taken with a grain of salt is still very much healthy and relevant to today. What with all the anticipation gunning for it, PS Home is something that won't escape the hands of hackers.
This week, the Internet went wild upon seeing a certain rda990 download the public beta of Home, install it, and more importantly, access it. Remember, folks. It's all about them salt grains...
Thanks, Draken, for the tip!
Link: Rumor: PlayStation Home beta open v1.0 hacked, found playable
And now for some light-weight news to catch your attention: another sexy hardware mod done by Ben Heck. He just finished his PS3 laptop and will have it up for auction soon. Dubbed as the PlayStation 3 Portable, the mod is built around a backwards compatible 60GB unit, and to make it that much sexier, slapped in a 17-incher HD LCD screen, a keyboard, USB ports, the works.
Wanna see it in action? We've got a video! Quite a hilarious one at that.
Link: Ben Heck finishes PS3 laptop, offered up for auction
Link: Ben Heck's PlayStation 3 laptop in action
And so the news wheel turns once again for another seven days. Sit tight for the PS Store revamp, guys! And who knows? Maybe PS3 FW 2.30 even? We'll hook you guys up once we hear word.
- QJ.NET's PlayStation 3 team
Xbox 360: Dirty, dirty, dirrrty deets
Whew! Heavy updates are flowing for Grand Theft Auto 4. As expected. It's GTA4-month, after all. And we're that much closer to finally getting down and dirty with Niko Bellic (no, not that kind of "down and dirty").
Let's flesh out some new details about the game first. Better catch up on your fact sheets, folks! Info on the multiplayer modes have been outlined. Rockstar's also updated their official GTA 4 website twice this week; it's a good idea to check them out too. Meanwhile, a newly confirmed music track for the game has likewise been revealed.
News tip credits go to mupet0000 for this week's first website update, and DrZGnKsTaPa for the second! Thanks a-many, guys!
Link: Grand Theft Auto 4 multiplayer modes detailed
Link: Prodigy song in Grand Theft Auto 4 game and soundtrack
Link: Grand Theft Auto IV website update: meet Playboy X, join the Gun Club, and more
Link: Grand Theft Auto 4 website update: new multiplayer modes detailed
We'll take a bit of a tour around the world now, and see what GTA 4 is being received by other people in other regions. Over at UK, pre-orders for the game are almost sold out. Alright, a show of hands to see how many people found that surprising!
Meanwhile, down under, Australian gamers are assured that their region's copy will be pretty much the same as everywhere else's. Yes, there will be minor differences, but as Rockstar says, they won't be anything significant.
Link: Grand Theft Auto 4 pre-orders almost sold out in UK
Link: Rockstar: Australian Grand Theft Auto 4 as good as other versions
Let's put the GTA 4 updates aside for now. And on to other games that some of you might be looking forward to: Gears of War 2! More details of the sequel have been spilled, care of the May issue of EDGE magazine. New info includes a tweaked "casual" difficulty level oriented to the non-FPS buffs.
There's be new monsters, more vehicles, new characters and whatnot. Of course, there'll also be some visual boost ups for those who want their games all graphics-yummy.
Link: Gears of War 2: new characters, better graphics, new difficulty level
Finally, we have this: a supposed Xbox 360 controller implementing motion-sensing. Microsoft tasked Rare Ltd. - the guys behind Perfect Dark Zero - to come up with the initial designs for the controller. Based on the sketch provided by an anonymous source, it pretty much looks like a Wiimote, only it has an analog stick, four face buttons, and a microphone.
Thanks to Mister Common Sense for the news tip!
Link: Xbox 360 version of Wiimote has been in development since summer
QuickPeek 42's over. Let the news race continue! See ya guys next week!
- QJ.NET's Xbox 360 team
Nintendo Wii: Don't look now but...
Have you guys been able to hook your Wii up to the Internet? In case you haven't, you might be surprised to find a new Wii system update dropping on your laps. On a related note, Europe's got something to be proud of: the BBC is extended a hand to the Wii as they roll out iPlayer. This'll allow users to download BBC content via the Internet Channel!
Link: Wii firmware update now live
Link: Wii gets BBC player
With SSBB release, we imagine a lot of gamers wanting to use the GameCube controller with the game. After all, it's all about variety. So, to make up for the demand, Japan's releasing a Wii-GC controller that's decked in the usual Wii-white.
Aside from the color, the only other change from the original GC controller is that the cable connecting it to the console is 3 meters long.
Link: Nintendo readies the Wii-white Gamecube controller for Japan
Mario Kart Wii details have been inadvertently leaked this week. This coming from Europe, who's fortunate enough to get the game early. As gamers were able to play the game early, as with what happened when SSBB was released early in Japan, the unlockable characters were finally revealed.
Link: Mario Kart Wii already out in Germany, unlockable characters discovered
Still holding out for a Wii hard drive? Well, if the devs of Rock Band Wii get their hopes realized, you just might be able to find one on retail shelves in the future. See, Harmonix's lead designer's aired out his concerns about providing DLC for Rock Band on the Wii, and in order for them to do that... they'll need a hard drive. And so, the online petitions start rolling in...
Link: Rock Band dev asks for Wii hard drive for downloadable content
We're bringing you more Wii updates next week! Remember to keep the flaming down to a minimum now... Peace out!
- QJ.NET's Nintendo Wii team
General Gaming: Marked, patched, and listed
Continuing its streak in Japan is the PSP. For the second consecutive week running, the PSP has sold nearly as much as all the other gaming platforms combined. And you thought that Crisis Core was popular? Guess Monster Hunter Portable 2nd G's helping out on the sales for the handheld too.
Well, it's no coincidence after all. Capcom's latest Monster Hunter installment is leading the pack yet again, software-side.
Link: Japan: PSP sells nearly as much as all other platforms combined... again
Link: Media Create Japan software charts for March 31 to April 6
PC gamers got a new patch in their midst. Sins of a Solar Empire patch 1.04 is now out and it's got some game balancing going on. There's also some improvement in the AI. And that's always cool. One catch though. Saved games and replays from patch 1.03 aren't compatible in 1.04.
Link: Sins of a Solar Empire patch 1.04 now available
There seems to be some stirring among the undead as a new trademark for the Castlevania franchise has been filed. It's called "Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia" and chances are, it's either the new DS game that Koji Igarashi's hinted at, or it could follow along the same thread of the mobile game which is similarly named Castlevania: Order of Shadows.
Link: Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia spotted in U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
Science and Technology: Twice the fun, twice the bang
Interesting developments in the astronomy department could potentially turn-turtle our entire foundations of astro-physics. If this new theory proves to be correct, that is. See, two physicists have postulated that there might actually have been a pair of universes existing even before the time of the Big Bang.
Now it's one thing to say there were two universes, and quite another to say they're twins of each other. And that's basically what the new theory these two physicists believe. Of course, to say they're "twins" has to be taken a bit loosely.
There's also that bit about one of them moving forward in time... while the other... well, let's just say it's pulling some Superman-circles-Earth-to-turn-back-time sort of stunt. Then, you have to consider if twin universes are actually "identical" or not...
Kinda makes you think though... Are we all just a dream of that other universe? A Zanarkand dream Big Bang'ed by the fayth... "Listen to my story... This... may be our last chance..."
Link: Twin universe might have existed before the Big Bang
Odds-and-Ends: Pop-cult and elephants
We love it when two media intersect each other. Here, we have an icon known in many reading circles responding to the controversy blanketing our very own industry: what does Stephen King think about violence in video games?
It's definitely cool to hear something from one of the greatest horror authors in our generation reacting to something we hold dear to our hearts. King actually believes that some legislators might not be seeing one of the bigger and more obvious problems (i.e. elephants): how easy it seems for a kid to obtain a gun.
Link: Stephen King takes a stand on video game violence
Comment of the Week: Because we have moms reading our news blog too!
Following after last week's comment from Quixand on his gamer wife, we now have an exceptional comment from one omegaridley (ooh, Metroid reference; we like!), who turns out to be a mom.
We'll use this chance to give shout outs to our very own moms. We love you, mom! Thanks for spoiling us with all those video games during our childhood! See? We grew up just fine, didn't we?
Now, here's omegaridley's reaction to Stephen King's statement on gaming violence:
Article originally posted Apr 12, 2008 at 04:25PM