The ability to transfer Blu-Ray content from Sony's PlayStation 3 to a PlayStation Portable is one that many consumers have been asking for. Unfortunately, the PSP Portable Copy feature will only be arriving late this year.
If you can't wait that long, you'll be pleased to know that Sony has revealed a new gadget called the BDZ-A70 Blu-Ray recorder which allows users to watch and record TV shows and transfer the video content onto a Blu-Ray Disc, a Walkman, or even a PSP.
The unit has a 320 GB hard disk drive, twin analog and digital tuners, as well as Sony's Roomlink interface. It's expected to come out in Japan on April 30 for around US 1,670. That might be a bit more than most would want to shell out, but then again, if you've got that cash lying around and don't have a Blu-ray player this might interest you.