Their words not mine, specifically, the words of Capcom's own Ben Judd, producer on the recently released Bionic Commando: Rearmed. All aboard the hype train, next stop, Speculation Junction!
Ben's quote, lovingly paraphrased by yours truly reads:
"We still have a frelling ace up our sleeve. It's an ace, a frelling ace... At TGS (Tokyo Game Show), the Capcom booth stage is going to make people's balls pucker up. It's going to be big."
DuckTales Rearmed? Strider Rearmed? A proper HD MegaMan? Pucker up!?
Judd made the colorful comment at a recent launch event for Rearmed but refused to go into any detail. That said, if you happen to be at TGS when this goes down, for God's sake, look away.