Saturday, August 23, 2008

Metal Gear Acid "possible" for PSN

maximus snake - Image 1If you really heart card based tactical espionage action this little tidbit could be right up you alley. If you're not into card based tactical espionage action, you should still pay attention because these words come from the lips of Hideo "MGS4" Kojima.

Apparently the Kojima's totally open to the idea of seeing the PSP exclusive Metal Gear Ac!d series show up on the PlayStation Network. When quizzed about the possibility, Kojima had this to say:

"I'll say yes to that idea, but not because it is already running or anything, I'm just saying yes because it's possible, I think it is possible. Sorry to say we don't have specific plans at the moment, but it is possible, yes."

Non-story? Nothing to see? No such thing when we're talking about Kojima. That said, I wouldn't hold my breath for this, even if the Ac!d series makes its way to PSN, it's likely to be without his direct involvement.