Thursday, March 20, 2008

BBFC in danger due to Manhunt 2 controversy?

Manhunt 2 - Image 1It looks like the whole Manhunt 2 fiasco has put the British Board of Film Classification (BBFC) in a spot of bother. After being forced to give Rockstar Games' Manhunt 2 (Sony PSP and Nintendo Wii) the green light, doubts have risen about the viability of the BBFC as a games classification body.

According to MCVUK, BBC News' technology index editor Darren Waters has said that the "grudging nature of the BBFC s statement [regarding Manhunt 2] ... coupled with the fact the body went to the High Court, twice rejected the game itself and tried to overturn the original judgment of the VAC leaves the organisation with its credibility bruised."

Waters also added that Dr. Tanya Byron, who is set to give a report on video game classification later this month, is expected to favour handing the games classification job over to the Pan European Game Information (PEGI).

There has been confusion among consumers as to why there are often two certificates on UK games, from the BBFC and European body PEGI," said Waters. The BBFC s dogged fight to ban Manhunt 2, even though industry figures lined up to defend the title, might come back to haunt it.

Buy: [Manhunt 2 (PSP)]
Buy: [Manhunt 2 (Wii)]