Monday, March 31, 2008

WIP homebrew game - Shadow of the Creator: Chaos

WIP homebrew title - Shadow of the Creator: Chaos - Image 1 

Fancy getting yourself involved in a new, potentially ground-breaking homebrew game? If you are, then you just might be what phantoma's looking for. The dev passed by the QJ.NET Forums earlier to announce the upcoming arrival of Shadow of the Creator, a homebrew title based on Super Smash Bros. Brawl and Mugen.

Given that's SSBB's pretty self-explanatory, here's a recap for Mugen (aka M.U.G.E.N.): It's a 2D fighting game that basically lets you build whatever character you fancy. It's a common favorite among the anime community,since it allows them to port their favorite characters in as playable sprites. Haruhi Suzumiya versus Son Goku, anyone?

Getting back on topic, phantoma explains that most of Shadow of the Creator's coding is already done, although it still needs more work. The Battle System and  GUI are in need of polishing, for one, with plans being made to add adhoc, and minor infrastructure support. Here are the sort of skills that phantoma will require from the applicants:
  • Experienced coder with PSPSDK
  • Experience with C/C
  • Ability to modify source code and edit accordingly.
  • Must be trustworthy and dependable
  • Dedication to the project is a must!
Those interested in testing their mettle for this homebrew project will want to visit phantoma's announcement thread over at QJ.NET's PSP Development Forum. Visit us again in case we receive any more updates regarding  Shadow of the Creator.

Visit: QJ.NET PSP Development Forums