Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Martial Arts: Capoeira dev working with Animazoo, Soluna to bring authentic capoeira experience

Capoeira - Image 1Italian developer Twelve Interactive has shed light on the recent development of its upcoming Martial Arts: Capoeira (Nintendo Wii, DS, Sony PlayStation Portable, PC), announcing through press wire that it teamed up with motion capture manufacturers Animazoo and Rome's prominent capoeira organization Soluna to capture the spirit of the art and bring players authentically real capoeira.

After joining meeting up with the other parties last weekend to push Martial Arts: Capoeira forward, Managing Director of Twelve Interactive Giuseppe Crugliano, was quoted saying: "The passion and professionalism with which Soluna operate, together with the motion capture technology of Animazoo, has generated some stunning new input for the game."

What transpired weren't laid down in full detail, though it's easy to anticipate that Martial Arts: Capoeira will don convincing animations brought together by experienced practitioners and motion capture technology. The game won't be released until Q4 2008, so watch this space for updates!

Buy: [ Martial Arts: Capoeira (Wii) ]
Buy: [ Martial Arts: Capoeira (DS) ]
Buy: [ Martial Arts: Capoeira (PSP) ]