Formerly known as MaxES, now re-released as pGOX - that's homebrew developer PCoopD's latest project for the Sony PlayStation Portable. And since the initial work-in-progress release back in early March, the coder has been busy putting new features together for this next release. Aside from a full aesthetics overhaul from MaxES, pGOX also provides a way to customize the shell graphics. But right now it's a manual affair.
Although you can't expect groundbreaking features yet, for a preview release version, pGOX also comes quite blessed with additions and abilities like:
- Splash Screen
- USB function
- MP3 Player
- Power Management
- MemoryStick Browser
- CPU clock changer
- Help on-screen
- Excute (sic) PBP files
- Excute PNG files
- Play MP3 files
- Open/Extract ZIP/RAR files
- Fully skinnable
- Battery icon (Like in XMB)
- Take screenshot
Now like some homebrew releases, the coder's archive comes neatly organized into folders. You'll be needing some primers on how to use the homebrew application, but there's a catch to that. You'll need a Windows-based PC and an Office 2007 compatible word processor - either that, or settle for a tweaked out Linux flavor with a Windows virtual emulator on its lap.
Why? Because the Readme documentation is in Microsoft's patent-pending XML document standard, and it ain't non-MS friendly yet. We'll keep you updated if new revisions get plated soon.
Download: pGOX preview release
Visit: QJ.NET's PSP Development Forums