During the previous Consumer Electronics Show (CES), you will probably remember Sony announcing that they would be bringing the PSP's GPS and Camera accessories to North America by this year.
With the GPS dongle now dated, you're probably wondering about the fate of the other accessory (aka the Chotto Shotto in Japan, and the Go!Cam in Europe).
A Sony representative at the San Diego Comic-Con hinted that despite the company's CES announcement, they might not be releasing the camera over to the U.S. According to the rep's opinion, the PSP Camera wasn't powerful enough an accessory to port over, in light of cell phone cameras that already promised better resolution.
Fortunately, a hands-on of the PSP GPS accessory at the Comic-Con provided for some interesting information to counterbalance this bad news. Bad reception aside, the PSP provided for full 3D maps of major cities like New York, San Francisco, and Los Angeles. Sony further noted that additional downloadable content for other points of interest in North America was under consideration.
With GPS on its way, Skype already here, and the Camera an uncertainty, it appears the only other accessory Sony's hasn't updated on since CES 2008 is their keyboard. Drop by again in case we run into more details regarding this matter.
Related articles:
- CES 2008: Sony to launch PSP Keyboard by mid-2009; GPS, camera finally coming to U.S. this year
- Sony PSP: North America gets GPS attachment by 2009, GPS-based games to follow
- Go! Cam and Skype compatibility set-ups revealed