Starving for news about the PSP Slim port of the nullDC Sega Dreamcast emulator for PC? drkIIRaziel, the dev working on the port, has posted a few clarifications about the project. The dev also released this video of the emulator running Crazy Taxi:
As you can see, the emulator's PSP port is running but at very low speeds. If you check out the current speed stated in the upper left of the video above, you'll see a speed of around 10 . drkIIRaziel says that this is incorrect and the speed is actually lower as the interpreter is running underclocked "to make the speed bearable". The RPS field, however, is accurate.
The dev believes that getting nullDC running at 100 on a PSP Slim is still possible, but makes no guarantees as he himself admits that it is quite likely that he will be proven wrong. The dev also reiterated that nullDC will only be for PSP Slim as the original PSP falls short in terms of RAM needed.
As for the code, currently there is "no dynarec, no optimisation, not even a single mips assembly line on the current source." The code will be made open source as soon as a stable build becomes available. After code cleanup is done, drkIIRaziel also plans to port it to Pandora and possibly the Wii. The PS3 is also a likely choice "if there's a way to get 3D access".
Thanks to thefungusinmymilk for the tip!
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