Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Hold v2.64

Homebrew - Hold v2.64 - Image 1Homebrew dev Torch has released a new version of his battery saver plugin, Hold , tested on 4.01 M33-2 Slim. In this version, you can now toggle the Display to on (from off) using the power switch.

This plugin has several functions that can help your unit save on juice, like switching off the LCD screen and the backlight, and can underclock the CPU to 61 MHz.

If you want to change the clock speed to suit your needs, you'll need a hex editor. Torch lays out instructions on how to mod the plugin in the program's readme.

Better go through the readme whether or not you're going to edit it though, as it includes instructions on how to use the plugin, as well as how to install it in flash0 so it can work without a memory card. Here's the changelog for Hold v2.64:

  • While in Display Off mode, you can now also turn on the display by pushing the power switch to the suspend position.
  • Pressing the Screen button also works but I recommend using the power switch instead, because when you press the Screen button, the firmware sets its internal brightness variable to the next level, even though the screen is functioning at the original brightness. Thus if you leave it idle after turning on the display using the Screen button, and the screen dims due to the PSP being idle, when you press a button it will jump to the next brightness level.
Download: Hold v2.64
Visit: QJ.NET PSP Development Forums

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