Well, we did say anyone is welcome to join the PSP Updates Summer Homebrew Contest, yes? PSP homebrew developer Light_AleX dropped in to submit an entry of his own: Stop at 1000.
It's simple and yet pretty fun in its own right. All you have to do is stop the counter at the 1000-mark. It sounds easy enough to do, but that's really where the challenge is. If you want another challenge... try figuring out that secret code to unlock another mode.
Stop at 1000 is actually the second version of his previous release, Count to 1000. Other than the rename of the game and this current version being a release for the PSPUpdates Summer Homebrew Contest, here are the other changes:
- Two modes, one is only accessible with a button combo.
- New Graphics
- Distracting audio!! Haha.
Download: Stop at 1000
Visit: QJ.NET PSP development forum
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