zx-81 is back, and he's got the latest version of his PC Engine Emulator for the PSP, PSPHUGO, up to version 1.0.2. In case you don't know what this emulator is for, PSPHugo is a PSP port of one of the latest versions of Hu-Go, which is a famous emulator of NEC PC Engine console, running on various systems like Linux and Windows.
Now, after the obligatory history lesson, let's get down to business. There are several new items to be found in this release, and here's the list:
- Rewrite sound engine using part of code from Hugo-Wii port version, it is
- now much closer to real PC Engine sound.
- Fix sprites display glitches in Gunhead and several other games
- Fix save state issue in all games (it was a miracle if that worked)
- Improve global emulation speed (fullspeed in many games at 266Mhz !)
- Add a new overclock option resulting in a faster emulation speed
- (but if you encounter any graphical glitches then you may have to set
- overclock to 0 and increase PSP clock speed instead)
- Improve file requester with virtual keyboard to choose sequentially
- rom files beginning with a given letter
- Volume booster
- Bug fix in the keyboard menu (joystick keys)
- Add documentation for settings in help menu
Download: PSPHUGO v1.0.2 (source code)
Download: PSPHUGO v1.0.2 (fw4x)
Download: PSPHUGO v1.0.2 (fw15)
Discuss: QJ.NET's PSP Development Forums
Previous PSPHugo release: