Saturday, April 26, 2008

PSPDragon v1.0.3 - now faster and with NTSC/PAL option

PSP Dragon banner zx-81 - Image 1 

Those keen on collecting classic operating system emulators should take heed: PSPDragon, the Tandy Color Computer and Dragon32/64 emulator for the PlayStation Portable is finally updated with fixes and improvements by homebrew developer Zx-81 (previous version here). PSPDragon is a PSP port of Xroar, a Tandy CoCo/Dragon emulator by homebrew developer Ciaran Anscomb. This version of PSPDragon is based on Xroar version 0.19.

The fixes include patching up sound problems, including those that crop up while playing Demon Attack. Here's the complete changelog for PSPDragon v1.0.3:
  • Speed improvements, the z80 part has been rewritten using jump tables,
  • Emulation accuracy improvements (original hidden frameskip of one has been removed, and cpu cycles are modified according to ntsc/pal mode)
  • Add ntsc/pal option
  • Display and save thumbnail images for each save state
  • Add several new hotkeys :
  • settings such as fps, render mode, auto fire speedcan now be directly modified inside the emulator (no need to enter in the settings menu)
  • quick save / quick load current state (no need to enter in the main menu)
  • Default Hotkeys can now be set in the keyboard mapping menu (useful to add hotkeys on existing/previous keyboard files)
  • Auto-fire mode, press RTrigger X to switch it on/off
  • New graphics and add a simple intro splash screen 
  • Option to display frame rate
  • Option to prevent the blue led to be displayed when L or R are pressed
Those interested in nabbing this release should go over the documentation (readme, etc.) included in the download before installing. That said, have fun!

Download: PSPDragon v1.0.3
Download: PSPDragon v1.0.3 (source)
Visit: QJ.Net PSP Development Forums