Sunday, April 27, 2008

Tanya Byron's video game review cost about USD 544,000

Tanya Byron's video game review cost about USD 544,000 - Image 1We got some interesting information on the video game review made by Dr. Tanya Byron. With it, Dr. Byron examined the classification system used on video games, wherein she criticized the BBFC and PEGI.

Now, let's get down to business. Get a hold of this. The total cost of the study she did was 275,000. That's around US$544,000.

This particular information was released by UK Minister of State for Culture, Creative Industries and Tourism, Margaret Hodge. This was a response from an inquiry from the Parliament.

Aside from this figure, Hodge actually wrote down additional remarks regarding this matter. In her statement, she wrote:

The review has just ended and while accounting procedures are still to be completed, we estimate that a total of around 275,000 has been spent on the review, not including salaries and expenses of the civil servants on the Review s secretariat.

This included expenditure on consultation with parents and other stakeholders, and a comprehensive literature review.

Now, this is certainly a big amount of money that was used. What do you guys think about this information?  If you've got something to share, feel free to do so with the space below.