Wednesday, July 30, 2008

New Dissidia characters confirmed: Cloud of Darkness, Onion Knight of FF3

Dissidia: Final Fantasy - Shonen Jump - Image 1Haha! Finally! Looks like Square Enix couldn't wait for the DKS3713 event to confirm some new stuff for Dissidia: Final Fantasy! Two new characters are joining the ranks of Jecht, Squall, Tidus, Sephiroth, Firion, Ultros Ultimecia and the others.

A recent scan from Shonen Jump magazine from Japan confirms the characters representing the Final Fantasy III universe.

And my my my, previous rumors turned out to be true: The Cloud of Darkness is indeed headed to Dissidia, fighting for the bad guys on the God of Chaos' side. (Though I remember her to be a tad bit greener in skin tone, she seems flesh-colored now.)

Meanwhile, who does the God of Cosmos get to fight for her from FF3? Strangely, it's not a specific character, but the Onion Knight job class. I'm not really certain if it's Luneth, Arc, or Ingus under that Onion Knight suit - but it's an Onion Knight nonetheless.

With FF3 penciled in, our current tally of confirmed characters for Dissidia are:

  • FF: Warrior of Light - Garland
  • FFII: Frioniel - Emperor Palamecia
  • FFIII: Onion Knight - Cloud of Darkness
  • FFVII: Sephiroth
  • FFVIII: Squall Leonhart - Ultimecia
  • FFIX: Zidane Tribal - Kuja
  • FFX: Tidus - Jecht
And here I am, just waiting for the DKS3713 for more info. See, I'm slowly building up some more facts (and not-so-facts) for the next "Dissecting Dissidia" post, so here's to hoping Square Enix eventually gives us another media blitz!

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