Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Iron Man videos: I want to break free, Splosions, Iron Man vs the world, Take this Auto Industry, Speed Kill, The Dreadnought

We've seen quite a lot of gameplay from Sega's Iron Man (PS3, PSP, PC, Xbox 360, DS, Wii), but only on the console flavor. What about the handheld variety, then? Thankfully, Secret Level and Sega have just unleashed this massive gameplay video update to satisfy that particular need, and from what we can see, the Sony PSP version of the game definitely looks like a blast to play.

Large, open areas you can fly around in? Check. Destructible objects? Check. Lots of enemies and vehicles to blow up? Check. Everything we want from Iron Man looks to be in place, even if some things don't quite make sense.

For example, in one of the videos, we learn that Iron Man dropping from a height would create a shockwave that would stun enemies. Minutes later, we see Iron Man actually being able to walk across a rickety wooden bridge held together by sticky tape and rope. And this is the old suit, the gray one that's pretty much the heavy-ass prototype. While we certainly can accept the limitations of it being on the PlayStation Portable, some fidelity in the weight - like objects suddenly crumbling underneath Iron Man as soon as he steps on them - would be nice.

In any case, enjoy the videos!