Using your PlayStation Portable as your dedicated music playing device can be a hassle at times, especially when you still have to navigate through the handheld's XMB before listening to your favorite tunes. However, developer roe-ur-boat has devised a homebrew plug-in which allows you to bypass your PSP's startup and immediately run your preferred third-party apps.
The latest version of AutoStart PRX introduces several handy features which extends the program's functionality to a considerable degree. Aside from loading your homebrew apps upon start up, the plug-in can now launch PSone games as well. Here are the rest of the details to AutoStart PRX V4, taken directly from the program's changelog:
Version 4:
- You can now bypass the autoboot by putting the WLAN switch up.
- You can launch PSX games now too.
- Rewrote the configurator and the configuration file parser. Configurator looks better and is more user friendly. (Thanks to Mc Cabe for the background)
- PRX size decreased thanks to recoding and psp-packer.
- No need to enable the prx for game.txt now.
Download: AutoStart PRX V4
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