Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Hold v2.6

Sony PSP - Image 1Sony PSP homebrew coder Torch has tipped us off that his Hold v2.6 battery saver plugin has been released. He tells us that it's a program he wrote some time ago for personal use, but he found the source while browsing through old stuff in his PC and decided to share it with us.

If you're not familiar with Hold, it allows you to save battery life by giving you the option to switch off the backlights, the LCD screen, it underclocks the CPU, and more. As for the changes in version 2.6, this is what Torch had to say:

Modified the code a bit so that it should work better in GAME mode, although I don't really support using it in GAME mode.

You can view the usage and installation instructions in the readme or via the "visit" link below. Make sure you go through the notes before you start trying to use the application. Enjoy!

Download: Hold v2.6
Visitt: QJ.NET PSP Development Forums

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