Homebrew developer MadMax11 has released Maelstrom Alpha3 for the Sony PlayStation Portable. We see quite a number of changes with this space RPG's third release including the addition of five random missions on each planet which have replaced the pub system in the previous version.
As for the other changes, here's a look at all the changes that were made to the game since the previous release of Maelstrom:
- Code optimization for planet
- Made planet images bigger
- Added "Mylon" system & planet
- Added system "Nyx"
- Changed planet menus for anticipation of missions
- Distributed upgrades
- Added portal to map as a red dot
- Added credits
- Started implementing missions
- Finished implementing missions (Can't do more than one at once.. for now. You make commissions off of completed missions.)
- Added L R to exit from main menu
- Added mission info to pause screen
- Put prices on upgrades
- Code is more tidy for planet
- Reorganized ships, by size & price & looks, distributed throughout systems
- Added 1 ship
Download: Maelstrom Alpha3
Visit: QJ.NET PSP Development Forums
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- Maelstrom Alpha2- added new ships, upgrades, and systems
- Maelstrom Alpha - promising space RPG in Lua