Tuesday, July 29, 2008

PSP2600: Atari 2600 emulator for PSP v1.1.4 (minor update)

PSP2600: Atari 2600 PSP emulator - Image 1Heads up to all the fans of Zx-81's Atari 2600 PSP emulator, PSP2600. A minor update has been dropped in the form of v1.1.4, but it being "minor" doesn't mean it won't be carrying as much coolness as possible.

For one, a new thumbnail image is now displayed in the file requester while selecting any file with the same name of a previously saved game. Then, there's also that tweak in the emulator menu that  you can go directly to keyboard and settings menu using the L-trigger key. The IR keyboard issue with fw >=3.80 for FAT PSP has been fixed as well.

Anyhow, in case you need some brushing up on emulator history, PSP2600 is a PSP port of Stella v2.2, originally written by Bradford Mott. Stella is recognized to be one of the best Atari 2600 emulators and has run on different systems like Linux, Solaris, Windows, MacOS/X, WinCE, OS/2 and GP2X.

PSP2600 is based on the work of Aenea, who first ported Stella to the PSP, and is developed on Linux for Firmwares 3.x-m33, 4.x-m33 and 1.5.

Everything else you need to know (ie. installation procedures) are in the readme, so be sure to check that out.

Download: psp2066-v1.1.4-fw4x.zip
Download: psp2066-v1.1.4-fw15.zip
Download: psp2066-v1.1.4-src.zip
Discuss: QJ.NET's PSP Development Forums

Previous PSP2600 versions and other homebrews from zx81: