Not long after we heard of Team Gen decrypting Sony's official PlayStation Portable 4.05 firmware, homebrew dev Red Squirrel has released a new version of RSPsar Dumper, which is now on v3.5. Updates seem to come increasingly fast for 4.05 - which isn't surprising, seeing as how there's not much new with the update, as Team Gen pointed out.
The biggest update, of course, is support for FW 4.05. However, Red Squirrel has also chosen this opportunity to announce that this is the last public update for the program and will start focusing on other projects. Here is the changelog for RSPsar Dumper v3.5:
- Added support for 4.05 Official Firmware
- Fixed usbhostfs.prx that did not work in CF 4.01M33
- My last public update for this homebrew.
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Thanks to GmDude66 for the heads up!
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