Friday, August 8, 2008

PSPNotes v0.1 - virtual Post-it-like application for the PSP

Screenshot of PSPNotes PSP homebrew app - Image 1 Screenshot of PSPNotes PSP homebrew app - Image 2 

If you're all out of Post-its to make those little notes of yours, you can always settle this interesting new handheld alternative from developer Mickael2054. Entitled "PSPNotes", the app allows you to create quick reminders to yourself using your PlayStation Portable.

This Lua-based app allows you to write your notes in either in English or in French. The developer did note a small bug in the app's font, which does not properly display letters with accents in them.

If you're interested in trying out this neat homebrew application, just download PSPNotes through the link we've provided below. You can also leave any feedback regarding the program by visiting the project's release thread, accessible through through the via link.

Download: PSPNotes v0.1

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