Friday, August 8, 2008

They couldn't wait: Chinese modders create PSP Phone Frankenstein

 Playstation Portable Phone mod - Image 1 Playstation Portable Phone mod - Image 2 Playstation Portable Phone mod - Image 3

Looks like somebody couldn't wait on Sony Ericsson to release their official PSP Phone. Chinese modders tore open their Sony handheld to make a PSP Phone worthy of Frankenstein. Click on the pictures above for some close-ups.

Not much is known about this mod as of now - not if it can make calls, or make texts or anything. But that's mostly because we can't read Chinese. At any rate, it does look like an awesome mod. For the curious, the phone they used - according to one poster on the Jewel Factory - is a Haier m2000.

We'll keep you updated as soon as we find out more.

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