Saturday, May 31, 2008

fMSX v3.5.2: FMPAC fix

PSP Homebrew - Image 1Those who encountered the FMPAC issue in previous releases of fMSX will be glad to know that a new update has been rolled out. According to uberjack, fMSX version 3.5.2 contains the following fix:

  • Corrected MSX Music/MSX Audio labeling in System settings - MSX Music now correctly refers to FMPAC/YM2413 chip; MSX Audio refers to Y8950 chip. If the emulator was previously freezing with FMPAC audio, double-check to make sure MSX Music is enabled (disable MSX Audio to gain some extra speed) and try again
You can download the latest version of the fMSX MSX emulator for the PSP below. Make sure to read the readme file included in the download before you install it.

Download: fMSX v3.5.2 for 1.50
Download: fMSX v3.5.2 for 1.00 and 2.00