News on the homebrew front! A beta has been released for Daedalus R14, the Nintendo 64 emulator for the Sony PSP. This update doesn't come from StrmnNrmn though, but from developer Wally of Homebrew Heaven.
The program is based on StrmnNrmn's latest SVN source, and features the beginnings of Media Engine support. It might still be too early to hope for an official release, but hey, we have the beta. That's good news all around. Here are the developer's notes from Wally:
Some changes are :
- A bit of ME support
- A tad faster
- A bit buggier.
- New Icons etc
- Debug menus popup - these are bypassable by pressing the SQUARE button and shouldn't be very often.
Download: Unofficial Daedalus R14 Beta (Wally)
UPDATE : Upon a reminder from Ari Bornstein (thanks for the wake up call) and a little of retrogressive investigation of our own, we figure that this is still StrmnNrmn's code, only now it's in Wally's own special flavor.
Ari says that this is the same R14 Beta that he told us about some months earlier, and that came from StrmnNrmn. So we stand corrected: Daedalus R14 Beta is still from StrmnNrmn and is made available to our FW 3.xx powered PSPs by way of Wally's efforts. Yes, FW 3.xx - PSP Slims included.
UPDATE : Thanks to QJ.NET readers fungusinmymilk and femar7856, we now know that the code of Daedalus R14 has been with more than one homebrew developer.
CaptainMorgan4, (a.k.a. Captain Morgan) of released his own version of Daedalus R14 Beta, dubbed "CPM R14beta," which the homebrew developer claims to be a little bit more stable.
Readers say that it's stabler than that of Wally's release. The author said:
Since Wally released his updated version of the R14beta I find it basically harmless to release here the R14beta I have from the previous "Daedalus R14beta" thread not too long ago. Anyway I believe it's pretty stable it works great with my PSP so I figured I'd let you guys check it out.
We're not sure if its FW 3.xx compatible yet, but it's likely to be. Captain Morgan says that the archive contains the developer's files and may instantly reflect a good configuration for the N64 emulator. The 1.6 MB download also includes a few preview thumbnails for some games.
Both packages are related somehow, however, and Captain Morgan still credits his version to and fellow developer Wally. The download comes next, and it's renamed just to avoid confusion.
Oh and note that we've renamed and resorted Wally's version, too. Link above updated. Enjoy!
Download: Unofficial Daedalus R14 Beta (Captain Morgan)
This article was originally posted on May 26, 2008 at 10:39 a.m. Updated twice.