Friday, May 9, 2008

PSP Filer v5.0 - added Greek support, fixed zipped files bug

Screenshot of Mediumgauge's PSP Filer PSP homebrew app - Image 1 Screenshot of Mediumgauge's PSP Filer PSP homebrew app - Image 2 

Homebrew developer Mediumgauge's latest build of PSP Filer may seem Greek to a lot of people, but that's just as literal as things can get. PSP Filer v5.0 was specifically catered to include Greek support, among a couple other things.

The latest release of this PlayStation Portable organizer application includes several other notable changes. One of these include a couple of bug fixes tied to opening archived files using the program. Also, like we mentioned earlier, PSP Filer v5.0 expands its language base by including Greek language support.

Anyway, here are the complete details of the latest set of changes since our previous coverage of PSP Filer:
  • added Greek mode.
  • fixed a bug that Filer was crashed when it opened some kind of RAR file (probably having a comment).
  • fixed a bug that a zipped file made by Mac OS could not be accessed.
The homebrew app comes with several documentation files, so please make sure to read them before installing it into your handheld. We hope you find the latest version of PSP Filer useful.

Download: PSP Filer v5.0