Thursday, May 29, 2008

OpenBOR v2.1933 released with official logo, menu, more

OpenBOR v2.1933 released with official logo, menu, more - Image 1 

Slug out Bare Knuckle sandwiches King of Fighter-style along the raging streets with game packs of your choice together with OpenBOR v2.1933 - the latest version (a previous PSP version here) of the enhanced, open source engine for Beats of Rage for multiple platforms.

For this version catering to Linux on PC and PlayStation 3, the Playstation Portable, GP2X, DreamCast, Xbox, and Windows, homebrew developer SamuraiX has tendered engine content for specific OpenBOR users to enjoy in addition to welcome features by way of the spanking new official menu design.

New to this release are integration of the official logos and icons of OpenBOR, which decorate the game official game menu touting widescreen and fullscreen auto-detect support, the option to view OpenBOR's logfile, and the ability to preview mods and listen to their packaged soundtracks.  The menu will also automatically boot to a mod if only one exists.

For budding developers, or those who just want to recompile the code to their own operating environment will like the new automatic build compilation system; it compiles the code to every platform - even the Xbox.

For bug fixes and known issues, coder SamuraiX has these to say:

Bugs that have been fixed:
  • Bilinear & Bilinear Plus Widescreen filters are now fixed.
  • Special Animation is now being checked properly (No longer a required animation).
  • Engine Crash while Switching filters during mid-level now FIXED!
Known issues:

  • GP2X controls are screwed up!  Need testers that provide quick feedback!  Otherwise it remains broken!
  • New filters still need to be implemented officially into PSP, Dreamcast, XBOX and GP2X.
  • Switching filters in options does not update screen until I leave current menu (Only applies for MMX filters).  Currently investigating
  • Probably a whole lot more I'm not aware

SamuraiX also says that if you have a prior version installed, or if the archive you've downloaded has a settings.sav config file attached, delete it. This will reset the configuration, and you're free to employ your own.

We also must say that the proper directory trees for certain versions have been jotted down at the bundled documentation, and it's a must read. PSPs must be at firmware version 3.71 M33-4 to work.

Download: OpenBOR v2.1933 (Linux on PC and PS3, PSP, GP2X, DreamCast, Xbox, and Windows)