Monday, May 12, 2008

The Force Unleashed: greatest Star Wars ever, demo planned, more

The Force Unleashed the 'greatest' Star Wars game ever - Image 1 

Looking forward to Star Wars: the Force Unleashed (Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, Wii, PSP, DS)? We know we are. A lot of hardcore fans out there might be worried about the game's story though. Darth Vader had a secret apprentice? I mean, come on. Rule of two, people.

As Yoda said, "Always, Master, apprentice, period," or something like that. If Vader was apprentice to Palpatine, it should have ended there, right? Nope. According to the producer of the PS3 and 360 versions of the game, Cameron Suey, the story works out for canon:

We know that the Sith aren't very good at following their own rules, because we've seen that the Emperor had two apprentices before Darth Vader approximately at the same time. So we know that they're already breaking the rules. That's again why we had a secret apprentice.

In the same interview, Suey also remarked that The Force Unleashed is "the greatest Star Wars story that we've ever told in a video game." He doesn't stop there though. He goes on to say that it's "definitely the greatest Star Wars game." Awesome.

Suey also says that the development team is also planning to release a demo for Xbox Live and the PlayStation Network, so watch out for that one. Be sure to check back for more updates on Star Wars: The Force Unleashed!

Buy: [Star Wars: The Force Unleashed (Xbox 360), (PS3), (Wii)]
Buy: [Star Wars: The Force Unleashed (DS), (PSP)]