No, Zx-81 didn't suddenly retire from his work with the PSPMSX homebrew emulator for the PlayStation Portable. The dev visited the QJ.NET Forums earlier to announce a new build for this app, dubbed version 1.3.0
Among other features, this new release now has support for gzipped (GNU zip) bundles, resulting in much lower file sizes. Several bug fixes have also been implemented, including one for an issue with PSPMSX's IR keyboard support on PSP Fats running on firmware 3.80. Here's the rest of the changelog (quoting the readme):
- Add gzipped disk file support to reduce disk file size from 700k to 50k ! (you may gzip original dsk file using 7-zip available at
- Add MSX eboot's music (thanks to Konami )
- A thumbnail image is now displayed in the file requester while selecting any file with the same name of a previously
- saved game (rom, disk, keyboard, settings). It might be very helpful to recognize that game later if you
- have thousand different games in your disk and rom folders !
- In the emulator menu you can go directly to keyboard and settings menus using the L-Trigger key.
- Fix IR keyboard issue with fw >= 3.80 for FAT PSP
- Fix random black screen issue
Download: PSPMSX v1.3.0 (firmware 3.xx)
Download: PSPMSX v1.3.0 (firmware 1.50)
Download: PSPMSX v1.3.0 (source codes)
Visit: Zx-81's Homebrew Releases Forum