Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Project4 V1.6180-2 released

Sony PSP - Image 1 If you thought that PSP homebrew developer Auraomega's Project4 was insanely cool but you caught a dose of its BSoD bug, you might want to check out the latest update to the XMB substitute titled Project4 V1.6180-2. The BSoD bug has been squashed and compatibility with CFW 4.01M33 is a go.

No other changes have been made except for the BSoD fix, but we're pretty sure that it's good enough for now. After all, Project4 has been way cool from the get-go.

Details on how the BSoD happens and how Auraomega fixed it are chronicled in the download. You can read through it if you're interested. If not, go right ahead and apply the fix. Enjoy!

Download: Project4 V1.6180-2