Saturday, July 12, 2008

PSP Quran v4.5: now with search functions

PSP Quran v4.5 released - Image 1  

Nassime has once again updated PSP Quran with some added functions, bumping the Qur'an homebrew to version 4.5. As you can probably guess from the title, PSP Quran v4.5 is essentially a homebrew program that lets you read the Qur'an on your PSP.

Here's a list of the changes in the homebrew according to Nassime:
  • adding search functions
  • Adding functions Chapter 32
  • new menu
  • correction bugs
At present, this homebrew is still only in Arabic, but Nassime is working on an English translation for use with the homebrew. In the meantime, feel free to download the application if you know Arabic.

Download: PSP Quran v4.5
Visit: QJ.Net PSP Development Forums