Thursday, May 8, 2008

Namco Bandai presents a new Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Heroes 2 - The Phantom Fortress trailer

Trailers, whether they're for movies or for games, are supposed to give viewers enough of an introduction to the medium while whetting their appetite for more. That's the idea behind Namco Bandai's trailer of Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Heroes 2 - The Phantom Fortress.

Like all trailers, this one is short and sweet: a voice-over explains the threat looming over the Hidden Leaf Village, and how Naruto and his friends aren't about to take things sitting down. Clips of various battles are interspersed all throughout the trailer while the announcer talks.

If cliffhangers are your cup of tea, then this video definitely fits the bill. Check out Namco Bandai's trailer of Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Heroes 2 - The Phantom Fortress right here: