The official Japanese webpage for Square Enix's upcoming PSP action title, Dissidia: Final Fantasy, has been given a bit of an upgrade. New additions include Story, Character and Info sections.
The Character section contains basic info on some of the game's confirmed fighters. These include the Warrior of Light and Garland from Final Fantasy, Frioniel (Firion for all you purists) and Emperor Mateus from Final Fantasy 2, Squall Leonhart and Ultimecia from Final Fantasy 8, and Final Fantasy 9's Zidane and Kuja.
Artwork found on the members-only section of the Japanese Square Enix site suggest that character info for Jecht and Tidus from Final Fantasy 10 will be on the next update. That's the image to the right, courtesy of NeoGAF member jiggle.
Hopefully the next update will also reveal the other members of the game's playable cast. I'm personally looking forward to the representatives for Final Fantasy 6. Keep checking back here for more news.