SeanPaul223 is in no way done spreading the joy with his homebrew game on the other half of the famed plumbing Mario brothers, Luigi, with Luigi's World v4. He's now upped the game to version 4 and you're sure to enjoy the additions he's put in for this on.
In case you have not come across this game, there's no need to fret cos the idea is basically the same as in the original game. Bowser has kidnapped the perpetual kidnap victim Princess Peach and has locked her up in his badass Castle. Of course. you'll need funds to support you in your rescue operation so you'll have to collect as much Gold Coins as you can (out of 70) to bring her back to your brother's house.
Changelog for this version are as follows:
- Coverflow Menu (Coded By Masterlau)
- New game Code
- And Many Others Things I Don't Remember
Download: Luigi's World v4-Chapter I
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