(Editor's Note: A resounding woot from everyone! QuickJump QuickPeek 52! Fifty-two weekly issues down the line and I'm feeling pretty sentimental about it. Why so? Well, the first era of QuickPeek is now drawing to an epic closure! But hold your horses! That doesn't mean we'll be shutting down this weekly feature for good. In fact, we've got big plans for the second year of QuickPeek! Stick around for next week's Anniversary issue and see another huge step of this weekly column's evolution! - Gino D.)
So here we are: QuickJump QuickPeek 52! Toot those trumpets and let loose the confetti! It's time to celebrate with a bang! The first year of this weekly feature is indeed at a close, and as we turn over the new leaf, we might as well give a final hurrah for Year One!
And whether or not you've been on the QuickPeek bandwagon since Day One, or maybe just a newcomer since last week: a big thanks for all the support! We're all family here, right? Imagine all the stuff we've been through! It was a full year of thrills and spills, and flame wars, and itchy rumors that never die, and hilarious comments, and ooh, just the insanity of it all!
QuickPeek 52 is just bursting with the biggest news we've seen so far: from firmware updates to chart topping successes. It's all about the games, it's all about the fun, it's all about the experience!
And with that we introduce some site news first!
This week is also special because we've now introduced a 5-Star review scoring system. Yes, we're chucking numerical scores out the window - see, we're trying to avoid having to quantify games as if you can actually reduce them to numbers. After all, a game can't be quantified by a "one-size-fits-all" sort of checklist, but actually, it's all about the whole gaming experience itself! Now we know some of you guys have some questions here and there about this, so we've come up with a neat little FAQ to explain things.
Link: QJ.NET's new 5-Star review scoring system
With all that said and done, it's time to set off the fireworks. Let's get this QuickPeek rolling!
PSP: To pirate, or not to pirate. That is the question. Arrrrr.
It's firmware update week in the gaming community, and while the PS3 and Wii have their own, the PSP isn't missing out on all the system updating frenzy going around. What does the new official PSP FW 4.00 bring? Google Search (right from your XMB!) and the function to change your video playback speed. Though some of you might feel like these aren't pretty useful features, any progress is still a sign of...well, progress!
Link: PSP Firmware 4.00: includes Google Search, change video playback speed
Link: Sony releases official PSP Firmware 4.00
Success has its good points and its bad points. In the case of the PSP, its success is marred by the presence of piracy, but piracy also drives its growth and hardware sales. Yes, it's ironic. SCEE President David Reeves had recently acknowledged as a significant problem and has revealed that Sony will be releasing new anti-piracy policies in the future.
Link: David Reeves admits to PSP piracy problem; Sony to unveil new anti-piracy policies
Secret Agent Clank has finally made its way into shelves. If you haven't picked up the demo, you may want to read up on Everything You Need to Know about the game before you pick it up. We have info on everything, from Clank's self-named Clank-Fu, to his suit that contains everything from a blowtorch to shurikens.
Link: Secret Agent Clank: Everything you need to know
Scans from the latest Famitsu magazine have revealed new info on Square Enix's Dissidia: Final Fantasy. Among the info we discover that the all-star cast will only feature 20 characters (maybe less), although Squeenix did say there might be surprises. It will still be a while before we see the game hit stores though: Famitsu reveals that the game is only half done.
Link: Dissidia: Final Fantasy scans - Development is at 50 percent, plus more details
We finally have some news on the sequel to the overflowingly cute game, Loco Roco. According to SCE UK's product manager, Loco Roco 2 will be out some time this year (we're not sure whether this means the actual year or the fiscal year). It's not much to go on, but it's something to chew on for a while.
Link: Sony Computer Entertainment UK product manager: LocoRoco 2 out by this year
Crytek's Budapest Studios, the branch responsible for the development of Crysis Warhead, has been found to have an opening for a developer who specializes in programming for the PSP. This doesn't necessarily mean they're looking to make a Crysis game for the PSP (Will it even run? We kid.) but it does suggest that they're looking to expand their game development into the platform.
Link: Crytek looking for PSP programmer
Big news on the homebrew front. The team that brought s Custom Firmware 3.95 GEN has managed to decrypt the recently released official Firmware 4.0. They note that a number of PRXs have been changed, but that the changes doesn't look like it will pose too much of a problem for developing Custom Firmwares. Hopefully, Sony's announced future anti-piracy issues will present as little problem.
Link: PSP Firmware 4.0 decrypted: PRX changes, minimal problems for CFW development
This week, coder Mr_Chizzy has released a new build for XMBeditor, formerly known as PSP Wardrobe. The program is now compatible with the PSP Phat, and has several new features. But why stop with the XMB with your editing? Here's one physical mod you might be interested in: how to add L2 and R2 shoulder buttons on your PSP.
Link: Pimp your PSP: XMBeditor v2 for 3.90 M33
Link: PSP mod with L2, R2 shoulder buttons
Hope we hear more on those custom firmwares soon! Check out more video game news below, and we'll check back with you next week for our Anniversary edition! See you then!
- QJ.NET's PSPUpdates team
PlayStation 3: Metal Gear Solid 4 takes the world by storm
Huzzah! The biggest news this week for the PlayStation 3 is Firmware 2.36, which is assumed (and hoped) to provide the prep-up for the much awaited 2.40 update, which will provide in-game XMB access, as well as the new trophy system. Firmware 2.36, like the previous update, improves stability in the performance of certain software.
Link: PS3 Firmware 2.36 has hit; in-game XMB, trophies confirmed for FW 2.40
We've noticed a lot of gamers have been pretty quiet in the comments section lately, and we have an inkling why. Most of the PlayStation 3 crowd is still busy with Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots, and we don't blame you. The game's overwhelmed the PS3 crowd the world over.
In the UK, MGS4 debuted on top of the charts, despite being released only three days before the cut off for that week's tally. Not only that, but the game also beat out Lego Indiana Jones. You know what that means? It means Solid Snake was able to do in three in days with only one format what Lego Indy can't do in seven days in multiple formats. Hah.
MGS4 also achieved monumental success. The game only had four days before the cut off of the week's sales tally, but it still managed to sell almost half a million copies. Incidentally, PlayStation 3 sales for that week shot up a massive 700 . Coincidence? I don't think so.
The game made a huge impact with us as well. MGS4 is the first ever game we've reviewed under our new 5-star system, and rightly so, as the game deserves all the five stars we've credited it with.
Link: Solid Snake sneaks past Lego Indy in UK: MGS4 debuts as top gun
Link: Chart-Track: Metal Gear Solid 4 didn't help much with UK PS3 sales
Link: MGS4 hits almost half a million in Japan; PS3 sales increase 700
Link: Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots QJ.NET review - Beyond the Hype
Speaking of Metal Gear, here's on update for Metal Gear Online. The game's assistant producer, Ryan Payton, reveals that the game will receive a constant flow of new content in the future. These "expansion packs" will each carry different themes, as well as new environments and characters.
Konami also released the new Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots Database this week. The Database is a free download via the PlayStation Store that provides all the essential info of the storyline and characters from all the Metal Gear games. Kinda like our own MGS4 Character Countdown.
Link: Payton talks about MGO plans, denies MGS rumors on XBLA
Link: Konami to release Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots Database
Link: PlayStation Store update for June 19
We have to stop talking about MGS4 now folks, coz there's a lot of other things that made the headlines this week! We have new info and gameplay footage for Resistance 2, another guaranteed hit once it comes out. One of the more startling revelations is that Sgt. Nathan Hale, the game's protagonist, has only 19 hours to live.
Link: Resistance 2 video: Insomniac unveils new gameplay footage and details
Resistance 2, along with several other high profile and highly anticipated games, are coming to E3 next month courtesy of Sony. Sony has a doozy in store for gamers for the event, as they're also bringing along Killzone 2, MotorStorm: Pacific Rift, the new SIREN game, and LittleBigPlanet.
Link: Sony coming to E3 with Killzone 2, LittleBigPlanet, Resistance 2, more
Aside from heading to E3, LittleBigPlanet's also headlining the return of the PlayStation Patrol! That's right gamers, the PlayStation Patrol is back, bringing new and upcoming PS3 titles to gamers across America. Aside from LittleBigPlanet, the PlayStation Patrol will also be equipped with stations for Rock Band, Grand Turismo 5: Prologue, and MGS4.
Link: PlayStation Patrol trucks to roll out with LittleBigPlanet
Aside from delivering games on trucks, Sony also believes that games should be delivered online. SCEE boss David Reeves has expressed his stance that disc-based games will soon be a thing of the past, and downloadable games will be the standard mode of delivery. Following this, he announced that Sony is working on a new DRM system that will work to staunch and cut out piracy of a full-game download system.
Link: Reeves on PS3: full-game downloads, avoiding piracy with massive DRM scheme
We end this week's PlayStation 3 updates with news on the ever-elusive PlayStation Network cards. And no wonder they're so elusive - they're only currently available via Meijer. Look no further, just go to Meijer! Go do that and we'll stop sounding like an infomercial.
Link: PlayStation Network cards released at Meijer
Wait, did we say end? Nah, we still got a lot more news for you! Check out our other sections below for the hottest video game news this week!
- QJ.NET's PlayStation 3 team
Xbox 360: Mii and Microsoft
Gears of War producer Cliff Blezinski, better known as CliffyB, mentioned in a recent interview that the GoW franchise won't end with the second game. Not, at least, if the second game is successful. There may even be a third or fourth game if the franchise keeps its stellar popularity with gamers.
CliffyB also talked about - well, more like hinted at - the storyline of Gears of War 2. He mentions that the game will contain lots of back story on the Pendulum Wars and Jacinto Plateau (among other things), while exploring Dom's story as well as the two new characters, Tai and Dizzy.
Link: CliffyB on possible Gears of War sequels and Gears of War 2 storyline
Can't wait for the promised episodic content for Grand Theft Auto IV? Yeah, us too. Think Rockstar would finally allow Niko Bellic to get his own portable music player? Apparently, Niko was supposed to get one in the original game, but this was scrapped late in the game's development in favor of a more traditional approach. Now poor Niko has to get a cab just to listen to the radio.
Link: Rockstar: GTA IV's Niko Bellic could have had a portable music player
Speaking of Grand Theft Auto 4, one of its biggest rivals in the sandbox genre, Saints Row 2 is slated for a release in a few months. Seeing as how big GTA4 was, you'd think the producers of Saints Row 2 might be shaking in their boots. Not so, according to THQ's CEO. According to him, SR2 took the genre in a different direction, making it a distinctly separate flavor from GTA4.
He explains that SR2 will be more over the top, with a larger and richer environment. He also prides the game in having a lot of character customization, a unique combat system, and a seamless two-player co-op mode. Not only that, but they will also be providing more downloadable content.
Link: THQ explains differences between Saints Row 2 and GTA4
If you're looking forward to getting a copy of Command & Conquer 3: Kane's Wrath, you may to weigh your options between the PC and Xbox 360 version (which comes out this week). The Global Conquest mode that comes with the PC version will not be included in the Xbox 360 version; it will instead get a mode called Kane's Challenge.
Link: Global Conquest not in 360 Kane's Wrath, will get Kane's Challenge mode instead
PlayStation Home users have their own digital personas, and Wii owners have Miis. The Xbox 360 has... Avatars? According to an image taken from an online survey, Microsoft will be introducing a new feature that will replace gamer pictures with Avatars, which is something like a Mii but only more detailed. For now, this is only a rumor, but we won't be surprised if we hear more on this during E3.
Link: Microsoft introducing 'Avatars' as a response to Miis?
To wrap up this week's Xbox 360 updates, we're doing a bit of rumor filing. First off is leaked info from Intellisponse on Forza Motorsport 3, but may involve the whole Xbox 360 community as it may affect future games, if proven true. According to the leak, Forza 3 will require two discs due to the large amount of content in the game?
True? We don't know - but if it is, we may see a slew of future games that could offer more gaming content, although it could be bothersome to switch between discs. Both Microsoft and Intellisponse were asked for comment, but they did the whole "no comment" bit. Guess we'll have to wait and see.
Link: Rumor: Forza Motorsport 3 to require two discs due to content?
Link: Intellisponse leak on Forza 3, Marvel Civil War, etc. clarified: nothing but rumor
That's it for this week gamers! Watch out for next week's QuickPeek, when we have something special in store for you guys.
- QJ.NET's Xbox 360 team
Nintendo Wii: Hard drive hard drive hard drive hard drive hard drive
Heading this week's Wii news are major updates on the Wiibrew front. Nintendo has finally perked up its ears and paid attention to the Wiibrew community, and has included security measures in the latest Wii Menu Update that made life difficult for homebrew coders. The update not only blocks the Twilight Hack, but it blocks Datel's Wii Freeloader as well.
The Wiibrew community isn't taking it lying down though. Coders are already hard at work looking for a workaround. Last we heard, the community has found a couple of bugs in the new code that they can exploit to fool the system. Hopefully we'll here more on this soon.
Link: Wii Menu update v3.3 blocks Twilight Hack; WiiBrew responds Update
Link: Wii Menu update v3.3 stops Datel's Wii Freeloader too
Link: Wii System Menu v3.3 update workaround already in the works
For months now there have been rumors of a Lightsaber game coming for the Wii. Well they are rumors no longer! Introducing Star Wars The Clone Wars: Lightsaber Duels, where players get to play their favorite midi-chlorian-pumped hero/villain. The game will be based on the upcoming CGI film, Star Wars: The Clone Wars, and you'll be able to relieve all the awesome fight scenes with the Wiimote (hopefully) going woomph woomph .
Link: Lightsaber game for Wii and DS: Star Wars The Clone Wars
The Wii scene has been pretty quiet as of late. It feels especially quiet since Nintendo started off the year with hit after blockbuster hit from Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games, to Wii Fit. Now that they're taking a breather, we can sit down for a moment, put down our Wiimotes, and look forward to a bunch of new games that they've promised will be announced at this year's E3!
Link: Nintendo: several new games to be announced at E3
Speaking of great games to come, we have news on the 2009 game, The Conduit. High Voltage Software recently released a game manual that reveals a lot of new info and artwork on the game. It includes info on everything from the story, to the game's protagonist Mr. Ford, to the invading alien race, the Drudge.
Link: The Conduit game manual: Meet Mr. Ford, and the Drudge
Last week, a job posting from Nintendo caused a lot of Wii gamers to hope that they will finally get an external hard drive for their console. The bad news is, Nintendo has firmly denied that plans for an external hard drive does not exist. Boo. The good news is, they have finally acknowledged that gamers are really clamoring for more memory for their consoles, and have stated that they are working on it.
Link: Nintendo working on a Wii storage solution, but it won't be external
This week sees some great games appear on the Wii's Virtual Console and WiiWare services. First off is Samurai Shodown for the VC, the classic fighting game that's sure to get you nostalgic for those classic save-the-world-through-tournament-fighting games. For WiiWare comes Block Breaker Deluxe and Cocoto Fishing Master.
Link: Wii owners get Block Breaker Deluxe, Cocoto Fishing Master, Samurai Shodown
That's it for this week's updates, gamers and Wibrewers! Check back next week for an all new QuickPeek! And we do mean all new.
- QJ.NET's Nintendo Wii team
General Gaming: Solid Snake whips Lego Indiana Jones
While Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots stole the scene in Japan when it debuted, selling almost half a million copies in the first four days of its release. Before Solid Snake took the reigns though, another PlayStation 3 game was on top in the Japanese charts: Son Goku and the gang led the charge in Dragon Ball Z: Burst Limit.
In that same week, the PSP still kept its lead in the hardware charts, beating the Nintendo Wii and DS. This may not hold true for the week MGS4 took the lead in software sales though, as PlayStation 3 sales overflowed with a 700 sales boost for that week.
Link: DBZ: Burst Limit PS3 bursts into Japan charts; PSP king again
Link: Solid Snake sneaks past Lego Indy in UK: MGS4 debuts as top gun
The demo of Spore's Creature Creator sprung a leak a few days before it was supposed to be officially released. The trial version features a fourth of the creature parts library you'll find in the actual game. You can download it for yourselves after the link below.
Once you download it though, be careful you don't make any... questionable creatures. One PC Gamer created a creature called "Boobalicious," an obvious reference to its form. Electronic Arts quickly acted to limit the user's account for violation of the Terms of Service.
Link: Spore Creature Creator demo leaked
Link: EA lashes banhammer on Spore 'inappropriate content'
We're also slowly getting more and more news about the upcoming E3 event. While some may believe that E3 may turn out to be a bust this year because of all the bad rep it's been getting, E3's still bound to be a massive event for video gamers.
Publishers and studios are getting ready to present their line-up of games. This includes Eidos Interactive, which will be bringing Tomb Raider: Underworld, Just Cause 2, and more. Guaranteed to be a big hit during the event is Square Enix, which has confirmed that Final Fantasy XIII will be making an appearance in E3.
Unfortunately, not all publishers are at ease with this year's event. LucasArts, which left the ESA earlier, has announced that they will not be announcing any new games in E3, although they will still be attending.
Link: E3 2008: Eidos to bring Tomb Raider Underworld, Just Cause 2, and more
Link: Final Fantasy XIII coming to E3, might get hint for launch date
Link: LucasArts won't be announcing new games in E3 due to 'noise'
It's well known that, when needed, studios keep to an intense oath of silence about upcoming games so that there will be no early reveals. This concern was brought to the ESRB, which had once required publishers to reveal early details about the game. The ESRB addressed this by changing certain policies.
Link: ESRB updates game data submission policy for publishers
Electronic Arts' Need for Speed franchise needs to slow down. EA CEO John Riccitiello has admitted that the studio's been "torturing" its devs with stress and tight schedules. Following the lukewarm reception of ProStreet, EA decided to remedy the situation for their next announced installment to the series, Undercover.
Link: EA admits to "torturing" NFS devs, announces NFS: Undercover
Science and Technology: Where the 13th Tribe of Kobol rests...
In the world of science and technology this week, Admiral Adama and the rest of the Battlestar Galactica fleet have - Ahem Sorry. Excuse us...
Let's try that again.
In the world of science and technology this week, a new set of super-Earths have been discovered. Now super-Earths have long been discovered, but what's interesting with the latest discovery is that one of the five newly found super-Earths is actually 30 times bigger that of our own. Lord of Kobol! Could you imagine that?!
Of course, sending out a recon mission to see if we could live there poses rather drastic hindrances. And whether or not we actually have landed on our very own moon yet, the search for another habitable planet out there still continues...
Link: New super-Earths found; largest is 30 times huger than our own
Odds-and-Ends: Hot waters
Seemingly, when people have "video game developer" and "lawsuit" in the same sentence, one of the first things that'll pop in most people's heads is the face of Jack Thompson. This week though, we find something different.
Remember the whole ruckus last week when Tomonobu Itagaki announced his resignation from Tecmo? Well, it seems as if things have sizzled to boiling point now, with a lot of other updates on the matter, not least of which is a gagging order placed on Itagaki himself.
Link: Rumor: key Team Ninja Members leaving Tecmo as well
Link: Tecmo taken to court for alleged labor law offenses
Link: Tecmo issues gag order on Tomonobu Itagaki
Link: Tecmo on lawsuits issue: Please handle with care, mass exodus not true
Comment of the Week: Super. Not kinda, but super.
Sifting through comments about the moon landing being a government conspiracy and long threads with people talking about taking their meds (and chocolate chip cookies)... Choosing this week's winner was a tad bit hard on us. There were lots of intelligent comments, hilarious ones too, of course. Then there's the usual fanboy bashing across different blogs (again, keep the flames down low, people)...
So who takes the cake this week? Well, we decided to be lighthearted this week, seeing as QuickPeek is a year old now. This comment comes from reader Trigger. Did you know that it is believed that in the center of every galaxy, including our own, there is a supermassive black hole (not a kindamassive one, but a supermassive one)? This black hole feeds mostly on the surrounding gas, slowly eating away at the galaxy. Well.. black holes and gas do make a volatile mix...
Link: The feeding habits of black holes